Table to Excel Template


Input feature types:

Output feature types:

The tool is provided for exporting the table template (structure, field names, data validation) to XLSX file to be further filled in outside ArcGIS.

The resulted table may be filled in with data associated with the domain values. That is, you may utilize all the commonly used Excel capabilities to fill in tables with data.


The exported table uses the geodatabase domain values.


The table structure and field names are exported. The table fields associated with domain can be also filled in in Excel using the drop-down lists with domain code values.    


All the domains associated with the table are placed on the separate sheet as lists of codes and values.



Besides, there is a data validation option for the fields associated with domains. Owing to this option, one will not be able to enter the values that are not associated with the domain.

Customizing the fields to export list

The table fields can be selected from the drop-down list opened by pressing the List of fields button. However, if you have a lot of fields that need to be exported periodically, the field names can be pasted from the preliminary created list in the system clipboard.

If field names have been pasted from clipboard or typed, press Enter.

After that the list of fields will be recognized and populated. If some fields are not found, they will be left as texts and will not be used.


Input fields will be exported to the output file in order they've been selected.


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