Starting ArcMap editing session

The most AgroKarta tools, except for Layers rendering and Show attributes on map, are provided for editing data, so the editing session should be run. The editing mode allows to undo the last data operations using buttons located on the standard ArcMap toolbar.



To activate the editing session select the appropriate toolbar as following:


1. Right-click on the ArcMap toolbar to expand the list of all toolbars and click the Editor toolbar.



2. The Editor toolbar appears in the ArcMap window.



3. Start editing session by clicking the Start Editing option. If your data locate in different data sources, the Start Editing dialog will appear, where you should select the required folder with the data to be edited.



4. The AgroKarta tools become enabled and you can start editing your data.




5. Note, that during the editing session all modified data are not saved automatically in the ArcMap data frame. Do not forget to save your edits after you finished your editing session.  






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